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【40th anniversary academic activities】Academic report sixty-three:A direct method leading to Bonnet surfaces

Time:2023-09-27 15:08

主讲人 Robert Conte 讲座时间 September 28, 2023 16:00-17:00
讲座地点 Room 1420, Huiwen Building 实际会议时间日 28
实际会议时间年月 2023.9

School of Mathematical Sciences Academic Report [2023] No. 063

(High-level University Construction Series Report No. 834)

Report title: A direct method leading to Bonnet surfaces

Speaker:Robert Conte (ENS Paris-Saclay and HKU)

Reporting time:September 28, 2023 16:00-17:00

Location:Room 1420, Huiwen Building

Report content:We characterize the Bonnet surfaces with the single requirement that the mean curvature H of a surface in R3 admit a reduction to an ordinary differential equation which possesses the Painlev\'e property. (joint work with Grundland, Montr\'eal).

Reporter Introduction:After graduating from Ecole polytechnique, Robert Conte obtained a degree in solid state physics from Orsay, then his PhD in theoretical fluid mechanics from Paris VI. His current interests are exact solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential, partial differential or discrete equations.

Teachers and students are welcome to participate!

Inviter: Huang Jiaxing

School of Mathematical Sciences

September 26, 2023