Hu Pengyan
  • Educational level:

  • Professional titles: Professor

  • Telephone:0755-26534271

  • Email:

  • Address:Room 427,Huixing Building

Educational level Professional titles Professor
Professional titles 0755-26534271 Email
Address Room 427,Huixing Building Personal Profile
Educational experience Work experience
Research Field Theory of multi-complex functions Honors obtained
Academic Programs Scientific research 1.Hu Pengyan, Zhang Wenjun. Small Hankel Operators on the Dirichlet Type Spaces on the Unit Ballof Cn. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 20(2)(2004), 261-272.
2. Hu Pengyan. Spaces M(Dp), Bnp and Qp. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 296(2004), 695-707.
3. HU Pengyan,ZHANG Wenjun. Hankel operators and multiplicative multipliers on Dirichlet-type spaces. Annals of Mathematics, 24A(5)(2003), 603-614.
4. Hu Pengyan, Zhang Wenjun. A ner characterization of Dirichlet type spaces on the unit ball of Cn. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 259(2)(2001), 453-461.

Personal Profile

Hu Pengyan

Educational experience

Work experience

Research Field

  • Theory of multi-complex functions

Honors obtained

Academic Programs

Scientific research

  • 1.Hu Pengyan, Zhang Wenjun. Small Hankel Operators on the Dirichlet Type Spaces on the Unit Ballof Cn. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 20(2)(2004), 261-272. 2. Hu Pengyan. Spaces M(Dp), Bnp and Qp. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 296(2004), 695-707. 3. HU Pengyan,ZHANG Wenjun. Hankel operators and multiplicative multipliers on Dirichlet-type spaces. Annals of Mathematics, 24A(5)(2003), 603-614. 4. Hu Pengyan, Zhang Wenjun. A ner characterization of Dirichlet type spaces on the unit ball of Cn. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 259(2)(2001), 453-461.