Dong Hailing
  • Educational level:

  • Professional titles: Associate Professor

  • Telephone:0755-26538438

  • Email:

  • Address:Room 441,Huixing Building

Educational level Professional titles Associate Professor
Professional titles 0755-26538438 Email
Address Room 441,Huixing Building Personal Profile
Educational experience Work experience
Research Field Stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, control of stochastic systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning Honors obtained
Academic Programs Scientific research [1]Dong, H. (董海玲), Tang, J. and Mao, X., Stabilization of Highly Nonlinear Hybrid Stochastic Differential Delay Equations with Lévy Noise by Delay Feedback Control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 60(6): 3302-3325, 2022. <br>[2]Dong, H. (董海玲) and Mao, X., Advances in stabilization of highly nonlinear hybrid delay systems. Automatica, 136: 110086, 2022.  <br>[3]Dong, H. (董海玲), Zhou, J., Wang, B. and Xiao, M., Synchronization of nonlinearly and stochastically coupled Markovian switching networks via event-triggered sampling. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(11): 5691-5700,  2018.  <br>[4]Dong, H. (董海玲), Luo, M. and Xiao, M., Synchronization for stochastic coupled networks with Lévy noise via event-triggered control. Neural Networks, 141: 40-51, 2021.  <br>[5]Dong, H. (董海玲), Zhou, J. and Xiao, M., Centralized/decentralized event-triggered pinning synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with noise and incomplete transitional rate. Neural Networks, 121: 10-20,  2020. <br>[6]Dong, H. (董海玲), Luo, M. and Xiao, M., Almost sure synchronization for nonlinear complex stochastic networks with Lévy noise. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95: 957-969, 2019. <br>[7]Dong, H. (董海玲), Ye, D., Feng, J. and Wang, J., Almost sure cluster synchronization of Markovian switching complex networks with stochastic noise via decentralized adaptive pinning control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(2): 727-739, 2017. <br>[8]Zhou, J., Dong, H.* (董海玲,通讯作者) and Feng, J., Event-triggered communication for synchronization of Markovian jump delayed complex networks with partially unknown transition rates. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 293: 617-629,  2017. (学生第一作者) <br>[9]Hou, Z., Dong, H.* (董海玲,通讯作者) and Shi, P. Asymptotic stability in the distribution of nonlinear stochastic systems with semi-Markovian switching. Anziam Journal, 49(2): 231-241, 2007.<br>[10].董海玲*, 侯振挺, 江国朝. 一类马尔可夫骨架过程的强大数定律和中心极限定理[J]. 应用数学学报, 2011, 34(4):696-702. <br><br></p>

Personal Profile

Dong hailing, a native of Nanyang, Henan province, graduated in July 2008 with a Doctor of Science degree in Central South University probability theory and mathematical statistics. She is currently an associate professor and Master&#039;s supervisor at the Shenzhen University School of Mathematics and statistics, secretary of the party branch of the Department of Statistics, has been selected into the Shenzhen municipal domestic high-level talent“Reserve level talent” and overseas talent“Peacock Plan”, he is also the ninth director of Guangdong Statistics Institute, Member of TCCT Random System control group of China Automation Society, and senior professional title Judge of Shenzhen statistics. His research interests include stochastic processes, Stochastic differential equation, control of stochastic systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, he has published more than 30 high-level papers in the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, and has hosted and participated in three projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, guangdong Natural Science Fund Surface Project 2, Shenzhen Natural Science Fund Surface Project 2. Has guided 17 graduate students, one of whom received outstanding graduates, one of the national scholarship.

Educational experience

Work experience

Research Field

  • Stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, control of stochastic systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning

Honors obtained

Academic Programs

Scientific research

  • [1]Dong, H. (董海玲), Tang, J. and Mao, X., Stabilization of Highly Nonlinear Hybrid Stochastic Differential Delay Equations with Lévy Noise by Delay Feedback Control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 60(6): 3302-3325, 2022.
    [2]Dong, H. (董海玲) and Mao, X., Advances in stabilization of highly nonlinear hybrid delay systems. Automatica, 136: 110086, 2022.  
    [3]Dong, H. (董海玲), Zhou, J., Wang, B. and Xiao, M., Synchronization of nonlinearly and stochastically coupled Markovian switching networks via event-triggered sampling. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29(11): 5691-5700,  2018.  
    [4]Dong, H. (董海玲), Luo, M. and Xiao, M., Synchronization for stochastic coupled networks with Lévy noise via event-triggered control. Neural Networks, 141: 40-51, 2021.  
    [5]Dong, H. (董海玲), Zhou, J. and Xiao, M., Centralized/decentralized event-triggered pinning synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with noise and incomplete transitional rate. Neural Networks, 121: 10-20,  2020.
    [6]Dong, H. (董海玲), Luo, M. and Xiao, M., Almost sure synchronization for nonlinear complex stochastic networks with Lévy noise. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95: 957-969, 2019.
    [7]Dong, H. (董海玲), Ye, D., Feng, J. and Wang, J., Almost sure cluster synchronization of Markovian switching complex networks with stochastic noise via decentralized adaptive pinning control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(2): 727-739, 2017.
    [8]Zhou, J., Dong, H.* (董海玲,通讯作者) and Feng, J., Event-triggered communication for synchronization of Markovian jump delayed complex networks with partially unknown transition rates. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 293: 617-629,  2017. (学生第一作者)
    [9]Hou, Z., Dong, H.* (董海玲,通讯作者) and Shi, P. Asymptotic stability in the distribution of nonlinear stochastic systems with semi-Markovian switching. Anziam Journal, 49(2): 231-241, 2007.
    [10].董海玲*, 侯振挺, 江国朝. 一类马尔可夫骨架过程的强大数定律和中心极限定理[J]. 应用数学学报, 2011, 34(4):696-702.