● 数学优化:最优性理论、变分分析、数值优化方法。
● 控制理论:复杂网络与随机控制的理论与应用。
● 组合图论:代数图论、组合矩阵论。
● 运筹优化应用:材料科学、压缩感知、生物信息学等。
1.Jingrui Sun, Hanxiao Wang, Jiaqiang Wen, Zero-sum Stackelberg stochastic linear-quadratic differential games, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2023, 61 (1): 250-282.
2.Luchan Zhang, Yang Xiang, A new formulation of coupling and sliding motions of grain boundaries based on dislocation structure, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2020,80(6): 2365–2387.
3.Jinhua Wang, Yaohua Hu, Carisa K. W. Yu, Chong Li, Xiaoqi Yang, Extended Newton methods for multiobjective optimization: majorizing function technique and convergence analysis, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2019, 29(3): 2388-2421.
4.Zejun Huang, Zhenhua Lyu,Extremal digraphs avoiding distinct walks of length 3 with the same endpoints, Discrete Mathematics, 2022,345(10): 112996.
5.Yaohua Hu, Chong Li, Kaiwen Meng, Jing Qin, Xiaoqi Yang, Group sparse optimization via L(p,q) regularization, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2017,18(30): 1-52.