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学术报告九十六:Optimal Control for Controllable Stochastic Linear Systems

时间:2021-10-18 09:33

主讲人 讲座时间
讲座地点 实际会议时间日

数学与统计学院学术报告[2021] 096


报告题目: Optimal Control for Controllable Stochastic Linear Systems


报告时间:20211021  下午1500-1600

报告地点: 汇星楼514                          

报告内容:In this talk, we discuss a constrained stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problem, in which the terminal state is fixed and the initial state is constrained to lie in a stochastic linear manifold. We shall first study the controllability of stochastic linear systems, then derive the optimal control by considering a parameterized unconstrained backward LQ problem and an optimal parameter selection problem. We shall establish the connection between the controllability of the state equation and the optimal parameter and provide a matrix equation that determines the optimal parameter.

报告人简历:孙景瑞博士2015年毕业于中国科学技术大学。20154月至20191月先后在香港理工大学、新加坡国立大学、中佛罗里达大学从事博士后、研究员、访问助理教授等工作,20192月加入南方科技大学数学系,任助理教授。孙景瑞博士的研究领域为随机最优控制及其应用,尤其是与随机微分博弈、正倒向随机微分方程、数理金融等相关的数学问题。已在Annals of Applied ProbabilitySIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of VariationsStochastic Processes and their ApplicationJournal of Differential Equations等国际一流期刊发表学术论文近20篇,并在Springer出版专著2部,其工作受到国内外同行的广泛关注。



