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学术报告一百四十:On the stability/instability of expanding configurations of radiation gaseous stars

时间:2021-01-12 11:11

主讲人 讲座时间
讲座地点 实际会议时间日

数学与统计学院学术报告[2020] 140


报告题目: On the stability/instability of expanding configurations of radiation gaseous stars

报告人: 刘欣柏林自由大学

报告时间:2020年12月10 日  1550-1635

报告地点: 腾讯会议 406 643 573   

报告内容:Radiation gaseous stars can be described by hydrodynamic equations with self-gravity, i.e., Euler-Poisson or Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations. Due to the thermo-effect, the configurations are highly unstable. In this talk, we will introduce the mathematical formulation of radiation gaseous stars, including some known results on the equilibria, local-in-time well-posedness, asymptotic stability theory, as well as existence of expanding configurations and the corresponding asymptotic stability theory. In particular, both the isentropic approximation, and a thermodynamic approximation (if time permits) will be discussed. We will present an elementary talk and focus more on intuitive analysis.

报告人简历:刘欣来自于柏林自由大学(Freie Universitaet Berlin),博士后2017年博士毕业于香港中文大学,导师为辛周平教授。2017年夏至2019年夏在Texas A&M University从事访问博士后工作。目前合作导师为Marita Thomas (WIAS)Edriss S. Titi (Cambridge U),以及Rupert Klein (FUB)。主要从事流体力学方程方面的研究,包括可压缩流体的自由边界问题、大气海洋方程等。目前已在SIMA,M3AS,JDE, Nonlinearity, ARMA,JMFM等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文10



