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学术报告六十八:Exploring the perception of violin qualities: student-vs. Performance-level instruments, strings, and soundpost height

时间:2020-10-12 08:51

主讲人 讲座时间
讲座地点 实际会议时间日

数学与统计学院学术报告[2020] 068


报告题目: Exploring the perception of violin qualities: student-vs. Performance-level instruments, strings, and soundpost height

报告人:付蕾 博士 加拿大麦吉尔大学/法国索邦大学

报告时间:20201012 10:00-12:00

腾讯会议ID906 690 854                     

报告内容:Three experiments will be reported. The first experiment explored whether there would be greater perceptual agreement when comparing violins meant for entry-level vs. advanced players, whether there would be significant perceptual differences between these two categories of violins and whether some structural vibration characteristics could be found to explain these differences. The other two studies investigated the origin of the disagreement among players through two specific modifications to the violin. The second study investigated how different strings affect the perception of violin qualities. Two violins of the same make with similar sound quality and playability were employed. They were both strung with Dominant strings initially. Subjects played the violins, described and rated the difference (on eight criteria - responsiveness, power, resonance, brightness, clarity, richness, balance and overall quality) between the two violins during a session labeled D1-D2.The third study involved both playing and listening (using recorded sounds) experiments to investigate how changes in soundpost height (for a fixed soundpost position) affect the perceptual qualities of the violin and what is the threshold of change below which players and luthiers do not perceive differences.

