  • 教育程度:博士研究生

  • 职称:助理教授

  • 电话:

  • 邮箱:zhanglc@szu.edu.cn

  • 地址:汇星楼441

教程程度 博士研究生 职称 助理教授
电话 邮箱 zhanglc@szu.edu.cn
地址 汇星楼441 教育经历 2014年9月-2017年8月 香港科技大学数学系 博士
2010年8月-2012年9月 新加坡南洋理工大学物理数学学院 硕士
2006年9月-2010年6月 华中科技大学数学与统计学院 学士
工作经历 2021年10月至今 深圳大学数学科学学院助理教授
2019年9月-2021年9月 香港科技大学研究助理教授
2017年9月-2019年9月 新加坡国立大学博士后

研究领域 材料科学中的数学建模和数值模拟计算
获得荣誉 教学课程 本科生课程:高等数学A, 线性代数

科研成果 [1] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang and D.J. Srolovitz, Equation of motion for a grain boundary, Physical Review Letters, 119, 246101, 2017.
[2] L.C. Zhang, Y.J. Gu and Y. Xiang, Energy of low angle grain boundaries based on continuum dislocation structure, Acta Materialia, 126, 11-24, 2017.
[3] L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Motion of grain boundaries incorporating dislocation structure, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 117, 157-178, 2018.
[4] M.Y. Zhou, L. Xu, L.C. Zhang, J. Wu, Y.B. Li, and H.Y. Chen, Perfect invisibility concentrator with simplified material parameters, Frontiers of Physics, 13(4), 134101, 2018.
[5] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang and D.J. Srolovitz, The effect of randomness on the strength of high-entropy alloys, Acta Materialia, 166, 424-434, 2019.
[6] C.Z. Wei, L.C. Zhang, J. Han, D.J. Srolovitz and Y. Xiang, Grain boundary triple junction dynamics: a continuum disconnection model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80, 1101-1122, 2020.
[7] Y. Lan, Y. Xiang and L.C. Zhang, An elastic interaction-based loss function for medical image segmentation, the 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020.
[8] L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, A new formulation of coupling and sliding motions of grain boundaries based on dislocation structure, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(6), 2365–2387, 2020.
[9] T.P. Jiang, Y. Xiang and L.C. Zhang, Stochastic Peierls-Nabarro model for dislocations in high entropy alloys, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(6), 2496-2517, 2020.
[10] L.C. Zhang, X.X. Qin and Y. Xiang, Continuum model for dislocation structures of semicoherent interfaces, Computational Materials Science, 190, 110277, 2021.
[11] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang, and D. J. Srolovitz, Equation of motion for grain boundaries in polycrystals, npj Computational Materials, 7, 64, 2021.
[12] X.X. Qin, Y.J. Gu, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Continuum model and numerical method for dislocation structure and energy of grain boundaries, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 20(1), 323-348, 2022.
[13] X.X. Qin, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, A three-dimensional continuum simulation method for grain boundary motion incorporating dislocation structure, Journal of Scientific Computing, 90, 3, 2022.
[14] Y. Wu, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Feature flow regularization: improving structured sparsity in deep neural networks, Neural Networks, 161, 598-613, 2023.
[15] Y. H. Yang, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Stochastic continuum models for high-entropy alloys with short-range order, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 21 (4), 1323-1343, 2023.
[16] Y.X. Feng, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, ElasticLaneNet: A Geometry-Flexible Approach for Lane Detection,  IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025.
[17] L.C. Zhang, X.X. Qin and Y. Xiang, A unified variational model for grain boundary dynamics incorporating microscopic structure, submitted, arXiv:2411.15747.
[18] Y. Wu, L.C. Zhang, and Y. Xiang, A Convergent ADMM Algorithm for Grain Boundary Energy Minimization, submitted, arXiv:2412.17058.
[19] Y. Wu, T.Y. Jin, C.Q. Chen, G.H. Fan, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang*, and Y. Xiang, A Convergent ADMM Algorithm for Grain Boundary Energy Minimization, submitted, arXiv:2309.10002.
科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年基金:晶体材料中异质界面的结构、能量及动力学的连续模型和数值模拟 (主持),2023.01-2025.12.


张露婵博士的主要研究方向是材料科学中的数学建模和数值模拟计算,研究工作主要集中在通过数学建模和数值模拟计算解决晶体材料中的缺陷(位错、晶界)在平衡态及动态的多尺度计算问题,基于数值模拟结果分析缺陷上结构对其运动和能量的影响,并进一步预测实际材料的相关性质。在计算数学类期刊 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics、SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation和物理材料类期刊Physical Review Letters、(Nature Partner Journal) npj Computational Materials、Acta Materialia、Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids等国际学术期刊发表文章多篇。





  • 2014年9月-2017年8月 香港科技大学数学系 博士
    2010年8月-2012年9月 新加坡南洋理工大学物理数学学院 硕士
    2006年9月-2010年6月 华中科技大学数学与统计学院 学士


  • 2021年10月至今 深圳大学数学科学学院助理教授
    2019年9月-2021年9月 香港科技大学研究助理教授
    2017年9月-2019年9月 新加坡国立大学博士后


  • 材料科学中的数学建模和数值模拟计算



  • 本科生课程:高等数学A, 线性代数


  • [1] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang and D.J. Srolovitz, Equation of motion for a grain boundary, Physical Review Letters, 119, 246101, 2017.
    [2] L.C. Zhang, Y.J. Gu and Y. Xiang, Energy of low angle grain boundaries based on continuum dislocation structure, Acta Materialia, 126, 11-24, 2017.
    [3] L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Motion of grain boundaries incorporating dislocation structure, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 117, 157-178, 2018.
    [4] M.Y. Zhou, L. Xu, L.C. Zhang, J. Wu, Y.B. Li, and H.Y. Chen, Perfect invisibility concentrator with simplified material parameters, Frontiers of Physics, 13(4), 134101, 2018.
    [5] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang and D.J. Srolovitz, The effect of randomness on the strength of high-entropy alloys, Acta Materialia, 166, 424-434, 2019.
    [6] C.Z. Wei, L.C. Zhang, J. Han, D.J. Srolovitz and Y. Xiang, Grain boundary triple junction dynamics: a continuum disconnection model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80, 1101-1122, 2020.
    [7] Y. Lan, Y. Xiang and L.C. Zhang, An elastic interaction-based loss function for medical image segmentation, the 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020.
    [8] L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, A new formulation of coupling and sliding motions of grain boundaries based on dislocation structure, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(6), 2365–2387, 2020.
    [9] T.P. Jiang, Y. Xiang and L.C. Zhang, Stochastic Peierls-Nabarro model for dislocations in high entropy alloys, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(6), 2496-2517, 2020.
    [10] L.C. Zhang, X.X. Qin and Y. Xiang, Continuum model for dislocation structures of semicoherent interfaces, Computational Materials Science, 190, 110277, 2021.
    [11] L.C. Zhang, J. Han, Y. Xiang, and D. J. Srolovitz, Equation of motion for grain boundaries in polycrystals, npj Computational Materials, 7, 64, 2021.
    [12] X.X. Qin, Y.J. Gu, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Continuum model and numerical method for dislocation structure and energy of grain boundaries, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 20(1), 323-348, 2022.
    [13] X.X. Qin, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, A three-dimensional continuum simulation method for grain boundary motion incorporating dislocation structure, Journal of Scientific Computing, 90, 3, 2022.
    [14] Y. Wu, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Feature flow regularization: improving structured sparsity in deep neural networks, Neural Networks, 161, 598-613, 2023.
    [15] Y. H. Yang, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, Stochastic continuum models for high-entropy alloys with short-range order, SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 21 (4), 1323-1343, 2023.
    [16] Y.X. Feng, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang and Y. Xiang, ElasticLaneNet: A Geometry-Flexible Approach for Lane Detection,  IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025.
    [17] L.C. Zhang, X.X. Qin and Y. Xiang, A unified variational model for grain boundary dynamics incorporating microscopic structure, submitted, arXiv:2411.15747.
    [18] Y. Wu, L.C. Zhang, and Y. Xiang, A Convergent ADMM Algorithm for Grain Boundary Energy Minimization, submitted, arXiv:2412.17058.
    [19] Y. Wu, T.Y. Jin, C.Q. Chen, G.H. Fan, Y. Lan, L.C. Zhang*, and Y. Xiang, A Convergent ADMM Algorithm for Grain Boundary Energy Minimization, submitted, arXiv:2309.10002.


  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金:晶体材料中异质界面的结构、能量及动力学的连续模型和数值模拟 (主持),2023.01-2025.12.