学术报告一百一十: Path-dependent controlled Mean-Field coupled forward-backward SDEs. The associated stochastic maximum principle
学术报告一百零九:Long-time behavior of large solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes equations
学术报告一百零八:Optimal Policies and Balance Equations in Inventory Control
学术报告一百零七: Loss landscapes and optimization in over-parameterized Deep Neural Networks
学术报告一百零六:New Models for Analyzing Positively Correlated Multivariate Continuous Proportional Data
学术报告一百零四:Asymptotic Stability of Shear Flows Near Couette with Navier Boundary Conditions
学术报告一百零三:A general maximum principle for optimal control of stochastic differential delay systems
学术报告一百零二:Viscosity Solutions to Second Order Path-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
学术报告一百零一:Solving Coupled Nonlinear Forward-backward Stochastic Differential Equations: An Optimization Perspective with Backward Measurability Loss
学术报告九十九:Nonlinear Fréchet regression in Metric Spaces: Definition, Learning, Estimation and Theory
学术报告九十八:Gradient decay of the Boltzmann equation with non-isothermal boundary
学术报告九十七:Sharp regularity estimates for the collisional kinetic equations
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