学术报告五十四:The Tail-null-space-property and the Stability of the Tail-minimization Approach in Compressed Sensing with or without Frames
学术报告五十三: Equivariant K-theory approach to $\imath$-quantum groups
学术报告五十二: Flag-transitive symmetric designs with and alternating socle
学术报告五十一:Proper orientation of graphs
学术报告五十:Tree-star Ramsey Numbers
学术报告四十九: The number of edges, spectral radius and Hamilton-connectedness of graphs
学术报告四十八:Some results and problems on nonnegative tensors and hypergraphs
学术报告四十七: Oriented graphs determined by their generalized skew spectrum
学术报告四十六:The asymptotic value of graph energy for random graphs with degree-based weights
学术报告四十五:Solutions for two conjectures on the eigenvalues of the eccentricity matrix, and beyond
学术报告四十四: On spectra of signed graphs
学术报告四十三:The perturbation of least H-eigenvalue of adjacency or signless Laplacian tensor of hypergraphs
学术报告四十二:On the S-duality conjecture of Vafa-Witten III: Proof of the S-duality conjecture for K3 surfaces
学术报告四十一:On the S-duality conjecture of Vafa-Witten II: S-duality conjecture and twisted Vafa-Witten invariants
学术报告四十:On the S-duality conjecture of Vafa-WittenI: Virtual Signed Euler characteristic
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