学术报告三十八:A Signal Separation Method Based on Adaptive Continuous Wavelet Transform and its Analysis
学术报告三十七:Global Lojasiewicz Inequalities on Comparing the Rate of Growth of Polynomial Functions
学术报告三十六:A Novel Approach for Solving the BMI Problem in Barrier Certificates Generation
学术报告三十五:Overview of Results on Connes' Embedding Problem
学术报告三十四:Large-Time Behavior of Solutions to 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes System in Unbounded Domains with Large Data
学术报告三十三:Vanishing porosity limit of the coupled Stokes-Brinkman system
学术报告三十二:Global existence of classical solutions for large initial data to the two-dimensional isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations
学术报告三十一:Some Algorithms for Biot Model with Applications in Brain Swelling Simulation
学术报告二十九:On strongly even cycle decomposable 4-regular line graphs
学术报告二十八:Rainbow perfect matchings for 3-hypergraphs
学术报告二十七:On Gallai's conjecture for graphs with maximum degree six
学术报告二十六:Asymptotics of Racah polynomials and Wilson polynomials
学术报告二十五:Applications in random matrix theory of a PIII' $\tau$-function sequence from Okamoto's Hamiltonian formulation
学术报告二十四:An Optimization View Point of Deep Learning: From Theory to Applications (四)
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